You are here: Activity Management (Legacy) > Activity Examples > Student Services Activity > Create volunteer jobs and schedules

Create volunteer jobs and schedules

Now it's time to work with the volunteers who will serve during the student activities. The first step is to create some jobs for our volunteers. The second step is to create volunteer schedules.

Step 1: Create volunteer jobs

Volunteer jobs allow you to track volunteers by the job each volunteer will perform during an instance of the activity. This information is not critical to allow volunteers to use Check-in, but it is helpful for planning purposes.

To create volunteer jobs:

  1. Click Ministry > Volunteers > Jobs. The Job Selection screen appears. Again, make sure your student ministry is displayed in the ministry box at the top of the screen.
  2. Click the new (plus) button in the upper-right corner of the Job Selection grid. The Manage jobs form appears.
  3. Type Student Grade Leader in the Job name field.
  4. Type a description for the job in the Job Description field on the right side of the screen.
  5. Click Add Job. The Job Summary appears.
  6. Optionally, add any restrictions that apply to this job by clicking the Add/Edit Job Restrictions link in the Job Restrictions area. This area allows you to determine whether or not these volunteers need to have a particular membership status, volunteer requirement, marital status, and so on.
  7. Repeat steps 1-6, this time adding a Student Check-in Registration job.

Step 2: Create volunteer schedules

By default, Fellowship One creates a base schedule for your volunteers that mimics the schedule you added for this activity (see Student Activity Schedules for details). For your student grade leaders, this is probably fine as leaders tend to serve for a fixed period of time. It may be fine for your Check-in volunteers as well; and that is the assumption for this activity example. However, note that you can add schedules for alternating months and weeks if necessary if your volunteers work on a rotating schedule.


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